Great Care. Close to Home.
Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation (CVHF) is an independent not-for-profit organization. We raise funds for acute care at the hospital, community healthcare, and not-for-profit long-term care. These three areas make up our healthcare system. When you give to strengthen any area of the healthcare system, you strengthen the entire system. Everyone benefits.
There’s no time like the present to give. Let’s do remarkable things together!
Latest News
Art purchased through Funding Innovation has a big impact
From left to right: Avry Janes, Co-Executive Director (ED) Comox [...]
Continuing to Provide Comfort – Holiday Inn Express donates $5,000 to support healthcare in the Comox Valley
The Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation is excited to announce a [...]
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 17 Courtenay Donates $25,000 to Support Local Healthcare
For more than a quarter of a century, the Courtenay [...]
$50,000 in matching funds pledged in support of Surgical Services
When we get to talk to our healthcare colleagues [...]
Vision for Providence Living at the Views realized
"We stand on the shoulders of giants," humbly remarks [...]